Our Story

Raising our children in Connecticut, they loved visiting “Papa Honey,” helping him with his annual honey harvest. Inspired by local beekeeping family and friends, we continue the tradition.

As backyard beekeepers, we are dedicated to doing our part to support these tiny workers, essential to
food and plant pollination.

According to the Farmers’ Almanac “raw, local honey is a powerful antioxidant…and has been found to reduce inflammation and pollen allergy symptoms.”

Enjoy a spoonful of OG Honey every day!


Backyard beekeepers

We raise bees in a safe and natural environment. Enjoy the bees, learn from the bees and harvest honey to share it with friends and shops in and around Old Greenwich.



The Kenyan top bar hive is a trough-shaped hive that originated in Kenya under the direction of Canadian bee researcher Dr.Maurice V. Smith, sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency under an initial four year project begun in 1971.
Kenyan- “Top-Bar” Hive – Queen Annette

The Kenyan top bar hive is a trough-shaped hive that originated in Kenya under the direction of Canadian bee researcher Dr.Maurice V. Smith, sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency under an initial four year project begun in 1971.

“Langstroth Hive” – Queen Bee Bitzy

Langstroth hives on pallets. The Langstroth bee hive, patented in October 1852, is the standard beehive used in many parts of the world for beekeeping. The advantage of this hive is that the bees build honeycomb into frames, which can be moved with ease.

“Langstroth Hive” – Queen Bee – Courtney