Queen Bees

Did you know there is only one queen bee per hive?

Worker Bees

Did you know all workers are female bees?

Male Bees

Did you know all male bees/ drones, do not contribute to the colony, and they do not have a stinger.

Bees don't Sleep

Honey Bees work and work and never sleep?

Bees Communicate

Bees communicate by pheromones but they also do dances to let the other bees know where to find pollen and nectar.

Guard Bees

Did you know all guard bees only guard for 2-3 day's during the peek potent time of their stinger poison?

When Bees Sting

Did you know when bees sting they die.. yes but did you know they leave behind a pheromone that tells other bees to attach in the same spot?


Bees see in 4 colors

Did you know bees only see in a rainbow made from 4 colors. Man sees in a rainbow of 60.

My Flower

Did you know all worker bees pick one type of flower to seek during their life?

Working Space

Did you know all worker bees fly within a 5 mile radius to find pollen & nectar?

Wounds and burns

Honey contains trace amount of compounds implicated in preliminary studies to have wound-healing properties, such as hydrogen peroxide and methylglyoxal.

Some evidence shows that honey may help healing in skin wounds after surgery and mild (partial thickness) burns when used in a dressing, but in general, the evidence for the use of honey in wound treatment is of such low quality that firm conclusions cannot be drawn.

Evidence does not support the use of honey-based products in the treatment of venous stasis ulcers or ingrowing toenail.

Research into medical uses for honey is ongoing, particularly because of antimicrobial resistance to modern antibiotics.


For chronic and acute coughs, a Cochrane review found no strong evidence for or against the use of honey.  For treating children, the study concluded that honey possibly helps more than no treatment.

The UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory agency recommends avoiding giving over the counter cough and common cold medication to children under six, and suggests "a homemade remedy containing honey and lemon is likely to be just as useful and safer to take", but warns that honey should not be given to babies because of the risk of infant botulism. The World Health Organization recommends honey as a treatment for coughs and sore throats, including for children, stating that no reason exists to believe it is less effective than a commercial remedy. Honey is recommended by one Canadian physician for children over the age of one for the treatment of coughs, as it is deemed as effective as dextromethorphan and more effective than diphenhydramine.